Community Garden Open Day

Official opening"I declare the Community Garden open" - so said Diana, our garden expert on Saturday 28th as she walked through the gate on St Mark's Rd to three cheers from the gathered crowd. Over 30 family groups attended our 2 hour open sessions (80-90 people) where we enjoyed cakes, hot dogs and drinks (proceeds to the church). We had activities mainly aimed at children including painting bird boxes, making bee bundles, planting beans and onions and sowing wildflowers under the huge beech tree. Alison showed off her mason bee colony and Harriet, from Wildlife Surrey who sponsored the event, led a really interesting session identifying creepy crawly and slimy occupants of the garden. - Did you know there is a good slug to have in your garden? It is called a leopard slug and it preys on other slugs who eat your plants.

Garden opening crowdA huge thank you to the garden team who ran the activities on the open day and for the other helpers who brought and sold cakes and hot dogs!

Watch the short video created by Emma here

The money from Surrey Wildlife will also pay for new apple trees which will be potted and remain as dwarf trees, for a bird feeding station and a video camera to capture pictures of our feathered friends.

If you haven't visited the Community garden yet do come in and sit a while to relax and if you can't sit still fill a watering can and make yourself useful!
The next job in the garden will be pruning back the cotoneaster tree and removing the dead silver birch at the front of the church.
Wednesday morning 9.30 - 1 is work party day. Contact Des on 07948 273075 to be added to the WhatsApp group and/or group email. 




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